Ayah & Mama

Ayah & Mama
"BaCk Then"

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Check Your Diary for me Please

you just cant win with mothers. This is the case today, yesterday, the day before or the past one year. Okay, let me re-phrase this. maybe the whole of my adult life.

She seems to think the people I am inviting to the wedding will not show up. [Reason: Because Young People dont RSVP and even if they do, they dont tell you that they're cancelling]

Okay. I wish I can say otherwise, but I HAVE seen partially filled weddings (its just too evil to say 'empty') and of course, after organizing several dinners and reunions, have become all too familiar with the 'I'm sick, cant make it', 'I've got some relative I need to visit' and of course, 'Im so sorry, my boss asked me to stay back today'.

So, I cant really blame my mom for being overly-concerned over the fact that I want my close friends to be there, cause acknowledging the fact that the wedding is on a Friday (working day), I foresee a few absentees. Scares the shit out of me. Wont my friends be by my side??!!!!! Yikes!


Right now, im going to just shut down. and hope, hope, hope that those who have said Ok will show up. And I cry at the pelamin because Im happy and NOT because there's no one there. [haha, looky me. Planning to cry already....ahahaha]

Sayang, I love you coz you let me invite friends to your side too. If we have extra money, we do our own party after the wedding okay!!


Anonymous said...

believe me moms are like that. they can turn into monsters when it comes to planning ur wedding. from the pelamin to the smallest things like the shape of the chocolate for the wedding favours =p

Anonymous said...

dahling i'll be there!
oh yeah. i've been offered a job. guess wat lagi? sama tempat dgn jaja lagi~~ how could that happen?! hehehehheh. take care!

Anonymous said...

alahai ilya, ema, be very grateful for what you have. believe me, no matter how green the grass is on the other side, you won't like the feeling of having to decide everything on your own (like i had to during my wedding). at least, when the stress gets to you, you won't end up crying alone feeling as if nobody cares about your big day except you.

owh, and please2 reserve a seat for me ilya!! i am determine to make it to your wedding even if i can't eat a thing!