Ayah & Mama

Ayah & Mama
"BaCk Then"

Thursday, December 6, 2007

The day Before Akad Nikah

it has been a longggggggg week with work stress and of course, the wedding stress. I have had to rush home during lunch hour to let the photographer look at the lighting of the house and attempt to enter office quietly (failing i did), get emergency-organza [getting no discount from peeps at nagoya. seriously, better bargain, can be found in nilai, which is of couse like an hour's drive], looking for masking tape that actually had staying power and of course, trying to figure out montage whatever.

im just happy its over lusa!

Atuk and Opah came last night from Ipoh, together with ayahcik, family and ayah cho. Makteh from my mother's side came too..bringing durian! guess who had the most? 3 months pregnant bestie. who turns out is enjoying food, lots of it, during the first term of her pregnancy and believe me, she so tak makan when was single!

anyways, eman is trying very hard to suggest love songs to play. thanks. he's into music and all, so he nicely downloaded some music tracks fer me. ajid and kaklong were trying to walk down the aisle, looking more like zombie-striken brides...thanks but no thanks jida! haiya...that too needs practising! adding more chores to my never ending lists of to-do's!

so today i need to do my henna. farrah suggested mydin coz there's a lady that actually comes to the house. im gonna check it out later. My boss did give me half day today. I should have fought for my rights to a whole day off. Should have but never did.

okay friends...Wish Ed all the luck and hopefully Akad Nikah tomorrow will go smoothly!!! =)

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